Saturday, March 19, 2011

I've been doing some research on The Doors, partly as an assignment form my university, partly because I want to. I came across an interview with Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger and there was a part that really got me thinking. I'm just gonna quote it.

Q: Watching the footage brings us back to a time that’s not too dissimilar to what we’re going through now. Your generation had Vietnam. My generation has Iraq. You guys were right in the middle of it and you commented on it, what is your assessment of how my generation has reacted to 9/11 now that we’re done with the first decade of the new millennium and we’re into the second? I was on the front lines of one of the first anti-Iraq war demonstrations in downtown L.A. and we tried.
RM: Good for you. I gotta hand it to you guys. You really did that. There were anti-Iraq war demonstrations going on all over America and all over the world. Could you stop the bastards? No, you can’t. You know why? ‘Cause they’ve got the power. Why do they have the power? ‘Cause we voted for them. Ballot power.

RK: Not we.

RM: Ballot power. He didn’t even win the damn election. But nonetheless, there were not enough people. Anybody got relatives in Florida?

RK: They stole it from us.
RM: Well did they? They did a real good job then, didn’t they? If you can actually steal the presidency, wow, are you sharp and on the ball! Alright you’re dealing with the foxes. What are we? We’re just a bunch of hens in the henhouse. All we want to do is lay our eggs and have some fun. We want to smoke a joint, get laid, listen to some rock ‘n roll, see some good movies. That’s all we want to do. You know what they want? Power. They want the power. This is what I objected to with Timothy Leary’s statement:  “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” Oh no, no, no, no, turn on, tune in, take over. You’ve got to take over. Don’t drop out because if you drop out, they win. Bushco wins if you drop out. We’ve got to take over. The lovers. There are two kinds of people. There are lovers and killers. The killers will fuckin’ kill you. But, you’ve got to be willing to go up on that front line and fight those son-of-bitches. We have to be willing to put our asses on the line. We have to take over. I had a friend who dropped out. He was getting his Ph.D. at UCLA in accounting and then he saw me and he saw Dorothy. I knew him back in Chicago. I had a scarf around my neck. It was cold. I’ve got a Japanese girlfriend. He said “Ah Ray. Yeah, that’s what I want to do.” I said, “Forget it. Don’t do this. You’re a Ph.D. in Accounting. Get your Ph.D. Finish your degree.” He didn’t write his thesis. He never got it. He could have been one of the corporate managers. Those are the guys we need. We need to take over the corporations. We need to take over the banks. We need to take over all that stuff. And, the goal of that is to save the environment, save the planet. Don’t destroy the planet. Nobody is coming from outer space, from the invisible world. He’s not coming. He’s not coming back. He was here. Did you miss the message? He’s not coming back and when He comes back, everything will be alright. He’s not coming back. We have to change the environment. We have to save it. We have to stop emitting all of the pollutants into the air because He’s not coming back to right it. I keep wondering why the hell – no offense if you are a Republican and if you are, let me offer you something to think about – why don’t they care about the environment? How come they don’t care about the environment? You know why? Because when He comes back…

Here is the whole interview.  They all say things which i consider "good brain food".

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